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Next Verse Button

Hop to an Unexpected Verse without Missing a Beat

What do you do when the Spirit leads beyond the slides you’ve prepared—and your pastor keeps going to the following verses? With the next verse button, you can push forward without needing a slide ready ahead of time.

No credit card required.

Jump to the Next Verse, Not through Hoops to Find It

When you’re in On Air or Preview mode, you’ll see an “Add next verse” button below your Bible verse slide. Click to automatically create a new slide that advances you through the passage.

Plug It In & Let It Preach

Next verse not enough? If the time comes and you need an entirely new passage, use the Passage Selector for a quick pivot. Type the verse you need in the input box and you’ll be set before a single head turns to check on the tech booth.


Start Your Free Trial to Use
Next Verse Button

Download Proclaim, then start the trial in the app.